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Practicing Speaking & Listening Skills in English in the Workplace: High-Beginning / Low-Intermediate Level

Career Field:  General

Adult Career Pathway:  General / Multi-pathway (originally designed for food production workers)

Type:  Incumbent worker training

Prepares Students for:  Improved communication skills and greater confidence in the workplace

Target Student Population:  High-Beginning ESL & Low-Intermediate ESL (CCRS levels A & B):

  • High-Beginning ESL = NRS ESL 3, CASAS Life & Work 191-200
  • Low-intermediate ESL = NRS ESL 4, CASAS Life & Work 201-210

Access Curriculum:  View Materials

Course Description:  Develops skills and confidence in English speaking and listening, to improve communication in the current workplace.  Topics include time, giving and receiving instructions, asking for clarification, calling in late or sick, safety, and small talk.  Course was designed for and delivered at BIX Produce Co.

Duration:  6 class sessions, 2 hours/class = 12 hours of instruction

Curriculum Materials:  Weekly lesson plans include objectives, list of instructional materials and outline of class activities.  Materials are drawn from various copyrighted textbooks and other sources.  All materials are organized in weekly folders in Google Drive.  Note: Curriculum also uses authentic materials from the workplace, but these are not included here (permission not granted by company).

Curriculum Pluses:  Addresses key speaking and listening skills needed in the workplace.  Mostly generic so it can be customized to any workplace by using authentic workplace materials and contextualizing various practice activities.

Curriculum Drawbacks:  Scans of copyrighted materials may not be used by other ABE programs unless they own the textbooks.  Activities are not contextualized to the specific workplace.  Authentic workplace materials not included.

Author:  Mary Ellen Kavanaugh, MORE St. Paul

Created:  2019


Laura Kim-Lowe
MORE, St. Paul, MN
[email protected]