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English for Childcare

Career Field: Child Development

Adult Career Pathway: Education

Type: On-ramp

Prepares Students to: Gain entry-level jobs in childcare facilities

Target Student Population: Low beginning to low intermediate English language learners

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: The course provides an overview of child development careers, childcare basics, and core competencies of child development.  Students engage in hands-on activities, work in teams, and volunteer in early childhood centers.  Topics include child development places to work, childcare jobs, skills for working in childcare, developmental milestones, safety and emergencies, and literacy, art, and music development.

Duration: 2 hours/day, 4 days/week, 5 weeks = 40 total instructional hours

Curriculum Materials: All teaching materials/learning activities are organized into daily and weekly folders in Google drive.  Templates are provided for a variety of repeated learning tasks. Also includes scope and sequence, standards alignment, student syllabus and other course design documents; plus unit overviews and teacher notes to guide instruction.  (Some materials are specific to what is required by daycare providers in the area of Cedar Riverside in Minneapolis.)

Curriculum Pluses:  Well organized materials, complete for teaching course.  Materials are leveled appropriately for beginning to intermediate learners.  Templates allow instructor to use familiar learning tasks with new content.

Curriculum Drawbacks:  None.

Author: Jamie Kreil, Cedar Riverside Adult Education Collaborative (with some materials created by Laura Temali and Renada Rutmanis of Saint Paul ABE)

Created: 2018


Jamie Kreil, PhD
[email protected]