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English for Healthcare

Career Field: Health

Adult Career Pathway: Healthcare (general)

Type: On-ramp

Prepares Students for: ABE-sponsored healthcare-related bridge course (once basic skills requirements are also met)

Target Student Population: English Language Learners, CASAS 215-236

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Course Description: Students learn vocabulary, writing, reading, speaking and listening skills necessary for work in the healthcare industry. Body systems are studied. Also includes field trips, guest speakers, and possible volunteer placement. Students explore healthcare careers and education/training requirements for each, including an informational interview. Transition skills and digital literacy necessary for workplace success are integrated. A mock job interview and PowerPoint presentation on a chosen healthcare career culminate the course. Core text: Wonders of Science – Student Edition: The Human Body, Steck-Vaughn. Other resource: Health Stories: Readings and Language Activities for Healthy Choices (book and workbook), New Readers Press.

Duration: Two quarters. Each quarter course runs 10 weeks, 4 days/week, 1 hour/day = 40 hours of instruction x 2 quarters = 80 hours of instruction

Curriculum Description: Organized in Google Drive folders. Includes course benchmarks and specific learning targets, plus calendar of weekly and daily lesson topics. Most folders include a detailed instructional plan, plus student materials that include readings, worksheets, vocabulary lists, computer-based lessons, quizzes and more.

Curriculum Pluses: Clear scope and sequence, with sufficient instructions for teacher in each unit. Utilizes textbooks at an appropriate level for target learners, with an array of supporting ELL learning activities for content mastery, sufficient to teach the course. Integrates basic skills, healthcare content, digital literacy and transition skills. Includes experiential learning through field trips and volunteering.

Curriculum Drawbacks: File names in each folder are mixed and can make it difficult to quickly locate materials that match the unit instructional plan. Program will need to purchase class set of core text (approx. $20 each).

Author: Carlene Lyons, Minneapolis Adult Education

Published: 2015


Anthony Williams
Minneapolis ABE
[email protected]