Recent Newsletter Articles

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 2
Number systems are ways of categorizing values with common characteristics. Understanding how we label numbers and categorize their properties can help us to explain the coherence of operations to our students and connect the CCRS standards. This article will introduce problems that arise as operations other than addition create numbers that do not fit into the whole number system. Read More

EdReady Personalizes and Improves Students’ Math and English Mastery
EdReady, a free tool available to Minnesota adult educators, personalizes and improves students' math and English mastery. Find out more, and join us for an EdReady webinar on May 11, 1:30-2:30 CST to learn more about the student experience and understand the details in the reports. Read More

Using Number Categories to Build Coherence – Part 1
Number systems are ways of categorizing values with common characteristics. Understanding how we label numbers and categorize their properties can help us to explain the coherence of operations to our students and connect the CCRS standards. Read More

Registration for MCTM is now open!
The theme of this year’s Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) Spring Conference in Duluth is "Mathematics for Each and Everyone"! To help support Minnesota Adult Education practitioners to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, ATLAS is again offering a number of scholarships for up to $750 each to help offset the cost of attending the conference. Read More

Combatting the Churn: Exploring the Spiral Model of Instruction
In this special, full-length feature article, Corrections teacher Adam Kuehnel explores the spiral model of instruction in a low-level ABE mathematics classroom. While his subject matter is math, this successful instructional model can be applied to any adult education class. (See the synopsis for a summary of main points.) Read More

Routines That Foster Constructing Viable Arguments and Critiquing the Reasoning of Others – Part 2
Regardless of the subject matter, there is a skill/practice that is central to any learning: the ability to construct viable and valid arguments, and to engage in critiquing the reasoning of others - the reasoning of both students and teachers. There are routines you can put in place to help develop this skill/practice. Read More

Routines That Foster Constructing Viable Arguments and Critiquing the Reasoning of Others – Part 1
Regardless of the subject matter, there is a skill/practice that is central to any learning: the ability to construct viable and valid arguments, and to engage in critiquing the reasoning of others - the reasoning of both students and teachers. There are routines you can put in place to help develop this skill/practice. Read More

What Are Students Missing on the GED Math Test?
I have often found myself asking what information the GED Testing Service makes available to know what to teach to my students. GEDTS must know what topics are important and what the GED candidates are getting incorrect on the tests, right? Well, the good news is that they do both know the information and are willing to share it with us! Read More

CCRS Resources: Start the New Year Right! – Part 2
There have been so many CCRS webinars, tools, and activities developed over the years, it is sometimes hard to remember the plethora of FREE resources housed on the ATLAS website. Check out this list of many of our prominent CCRS resources – all in one place! Whether you are looking for professional development to complete individually, a PD activity to dive into with a small group/PLC, or the next task to engage in during a regular staff meeting, you’re sure to find some gold nuggets here! Read More

CCRS Resources: Start the New Year Right! – Part 1
There have been so many CCRS webinars, tools, and activities developed over the years, it is sometimes hard to remember the plethora of FREE resources housed on the ATLAS website. Check out this list of many of our prominent CCRS resources – all in one place! Whether you are looking for professional development to complete individually, a PD activity to dive into with a small group/PLC, or the next task to engage in during a regular staff meeting, you’re sure to find some gold nuggets here! Read More