MN ABE Connect Archive

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MN ABE Reading Practitioners Schoology Group

MN ABE Reading Practitioners Schoology Group

Join an online discussion about Evidence-Based Reading Instruction (EBRI)! The new Reading Practitioner Group is open to all MN ABE program managers, teachers, and support staff who want to expand their knowledge and use of EBRI. Read More

Poster Session Presenters Needed for Summer Institute Conference

Poster Session Presenters Needed for Summer Institute Conference

We are still looking for poster sessions for the 2019 Summer Institute in August. Why should you lead a poster session? Here are the Top Ten Reasons to do a Poster Session at Summer Institute…based on feedback from people who have done a poster session in the past! Read More

Important Changes to Annual Volunteer Information Report

Important Changes to Annual Volunteer Information Report

Learn about important new changes to the Annual Volunteer Information Report, and mark your calendar for the volunteer coordinator webinar on Thursday, June 27 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. to discuss the report. Read More

Equity-Related PD Opportunities this Summer!

Equity-Related PD Opportunities this Summer!

This summer, ABE professionals are encouraged to participate in the Minnesota Educational Equity Edcamp on July 25, and to take advantage of equity-related sessions at Summer Institute in August. Read More

“But what does that LOOK like?” Find Out at the YouTube Channel for Busy ABE Teachers!

“But what does that LOOK like?” Find Out at the YouTube Channel for Busy ABE Teachers!

Professional learning sounds great, but where to find the time?  YouTube to the rescue! The MN ABE YouTube Channel is a free online resource that you can access at any time to discover new teaching techniques and classroom ideas to integrate into your own instructional practices. Read More

Exciting news from ABE Summer Institute!

Exciting news from ABE Summer Institute!

Planning for ABE Summer Institute is ramping up and there are so many things to look forward to! Meet our keynote speaker, find out about the silent auction and awards banquet, and more! Read More

Career Pathways Course Design: Tools and Tips

Career Pathways Course Design: Tools and Tips

Considering a career pathways course? ATLAS has excellent resources available to guide a step-by-step process of course design.  You’ll find a set of Guidelines and an easy-to-use accompanying Template that ensures clear documentation of all elements of a course from the outset. Read More

Developing College Knowledge

Developing College Knowledge

Student loan debt is a major problem in our country. If we want to help our students develop college readiness, we should be making them aware of resources that can help them to make sound decisions about college, and providing them with opportunities to explore those resources. Read More

Recapping the Technology Integration Initiative

Recapping the Technology Integration Initiative

The Technology Integration Initiative wrapped up this month. We'll hear from a participant about her biggest takeaways from this 5-month professional development cohort - such as using common, non-educational apps for educational purposes! Read More

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

May is National Stroke Awareness Month

In May alone, some 65,000 Americans will experience a stroke with many unaware that they were even at risk.  Each year about 185,000 people die from a stroke. By learning the many warning signs of a stroke – you can help save a life. Read More