Carpentry Bridge
Career Field: Technical (Trades)
Adult Career Pathway: Carpentry
Type: Bridge
Prepares Students for: A job as a carpenter; acceptance into the Local Carpenters Union
Target Student Population: High school diploma or equivalent; U.S. citizen; TABE Reading 8.0+, TABE Math 6.0+
Access Curriculum: View Materials
Course Description: Covers basic soft skills and math skills necessary to be successful as a carpenter. Prepares students to actively participate in and complete the carpentry course offered by the local carpenters union.
Duration of Course: 5 hrs/session, 4 sessions/week, 1 week for course = 20 total instructional hours
Curriculum Materials: Organized in Google Drive folders, one for each day. Includes daily lesson outlines, PowerPoint slides and all instructional materials.
Curriculum Pluses: Well organized. Useful slides for full-class instruction; could be made available to students online for independent review. Variety of learning activities.
Curriculum Drawbacks: Course goals seem ambitious for 20-hour course and don’t seem to fully match with course content.
Author: Linnea Lebens, Duluth Adult Education, with adapted materials from Elizabeth Andress at St. Paul ABE
Created: 2018
Linnea Lebens
Duluth Adult Education