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CDL Truck Driving Bridge

Career Field: Technical

Adult Career Pathway: Commercial Truck Driver

Type: Bridge

Prepares Students for:  Commercial driver license (CDL) permit test; job as a Class A truck driver (with no extra endorsements); entry into Truck Driving program at local community college

Target Student Population: TABE Reading 8.0+; TABE Math 6.0+; healthy and able to pass DOT physical; demonstrated interest in the career field and seriousness based on attendance in previous workshops

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: The course covers sections 1, 2, 3 & 5 of the MN CDL manual, in preparation for the permit test for the Class A license. (Does not prepare for school bus driving.  Does not cover extra endorsements like tanker or hazardous materials.)

Duration: 5 hrs/session, 4 sessions/week, 2 weeks/course = 40 total instructional hours

Curriculum Materials: The curriculum is laid out daily with lesson plans and worksheets for each day. All links and materials should be included. The only thing not included is specific Northstar information.

Organized in Google Drive folders, one for each day.  Includes daily lesson outlines, and all instructional materials.  Requires student access to Minnesota CDL manual.

Curriculum Pluses: Well organized.  Variety of learning activities.  Ready to use.

Curriculum Drawbacks: Activity versus objective-based outlines and instruction.  No direct math instruction, which some learners may need.

Author: Linnea Lebens, Duluth Adult Education; with some materials from George Schooley, St. Paul ABE

Created: 2018


Linnea Lebens
Duluth Adult Education