Child Development Bridge 2
Career Field: Education
Adult Career Pathway: Early Childhood Education
Type: Bridge course
Prepares Students for: Child Development Bridge 3; then entry into first course in community college 16-credit Child Development Careers Certificate program
Target Student Population: TABE D Reading 5.9-6.9 or CASAS Reading 228-236 (test 187/188); participants must pass background check required to work with young children
Access Curriculum: View Materials
Course Description: Course focuses on sanitation, nutrition, health, safety and emergencies in early childhood settings; positive guidance/discipline; and effective classroom practices. Emphasis is placed on academic and soft skills necessary for ABE and college success; and students are assisted in discerning their own career pathway. In addition to in-class time, students complete 24 hours of volunteering in an early childhood education setting. Utilizes Essentials for Child Development Associates Working with Young Children, 2nd Edition.
Duration: 12 weeks, 6 hours per week = 72 hours of instruction
Curriculum Description: Includes 12 “product-based” units, each with unit plan and benchmarks, teaching notes, reading/writing/vocabulary and other learning activities, volunteer assignments to apply unit topic, and assessments. Entry-level Training Modules provide PowerPoint presentations and additional active learning opportunities.
Curriculum Pluses: Well-organized materials with teaching notes to guide use of materials. Integrates transition skills with study of content. Entry-level Training Modules written by child development college faculty at accessible level for ABE learners.
Curriculum Drawbacks: Product-based layout of unit plan, while detailed and complete, may be difficult to decipher. Some materials in later units provide a template but require instructor to develop them. Primary textbook may be outdated.
Author: Elizabeth Andress, St. Paul ABE
Published: 2011
Elizabeth Andress
651-983-8105 /