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Commercial Driver’s License Permit Course

Career Field: Technical Fields

Adult Career Pathway: Bus or Truck Driver

Type: Permit exam preparation course

Prepares Students for: Minnesota Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) permit exam

Target Student Population: TABE Reading 6.0+; must be at least 21 years old with valid driver’s license; no DWI or speeding tickets in last five years; no chargeable accidents in last three years

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: Students become familiar with CDL career pathways offered through the local community and technical college. They analyze regional labor market data for the CDL industry and identify entry-level CDL employment options. Basic CDL concepts and terminology are covered as students develop their academic and study skills. The course is held on the college campus to allow students to become acclimated to the college environment. The course is closely aligned with the ACES Transitions Integration Framework (TIF). Also find a grid that aligns the course with Adult Diploma standards.

Duration: 8 weeks, 4 days/week, 2.5 hours/day = 80 hours of instruction

Curriculum Description: Course syllabus for students. Five quizzes and keys covering the content of the CDL manual, required to pass the CDL permit test; used as homework / independent practice for exam. (In addition, author recommends creating a daily google slide presentation, to include previous class homework, preview of the week, plan for the day and upcoming homework. Not included in materials; instructor creates.)

The current Minnesota Commercial Driver’s Manual is available online.

Curriculum Pluses: Materials well-organized, with helpful brief notes to instructor. Variety of learning activities. Instruction is keyed directly to knowledge required for the permit test.

Curriculum Drawbacks: Lacks explicit course and unit objectives and student syllabus. Several of the website links are obsolete. Minimal student technology use is integrated.

Author: George Schooley, St. Paul ABE

Published: 2015


George Schooley
St. Paul ABE
952-818-6975 (cell) / George.schooley@spps.org