Custodian Preparation
Career Field: Technical
Adult Career Pathway: Custodian – Building Engineer – Janitor
Type: Bridge
Prepares Students for: Custodial Career primarily in public schools and possibly earn boiler operation license
Target Student Population: TABE Reading 470+, CASAS Reading 220+
Access Curriculum: View Materials
Course Description: This course works with students to gain familiarity with vocabulary and concepts related to cleaning school buildings. Students will also work on skills related to reading and math in a custodial context. Student activities include online activities with Nearpod, Edpuzzle, and G Suite (Forms, Docs).
Duration: This course was designed as a 40-hour course. There are five 6-hour units about general custodial careers; one 6-hour unit on boiler’s license exam preparation; and one 4-hour unit on math skills for maintenance careers.
Curriculum Materials: All materials are available as Google Docs or links are provided to their location. This course was originally designed for potential employees for Osseo Area Schools and some materials are specifically from that employer; however, materials could be modified to meet other employer needs. A course outline is included in the materials showing unit organization with links to each activity (Slides presentation, readings, worksheets, Forms, videos, Nearpod activity, Edpuzzle activity). To use the Nearpod and Edpuzzle activities teachers will need to create a free account at each.
Curriculum Pluses: The course is well laid out with the course outline. It is adaptable to a lower level by increasing the hours of the modules, reducing the independent work, and including more group work on readings and tasks. It incorporates videos of real custodial situations and authentic materials.
Curriculum Drawbacks: The readings are at an ATOS level of 6.0 due to the technical vocabulary and concepts. This can be addressed by doing more group reading than independent reading. Some articles have an auditory option.
Author: Paula Freiermuth, Osseo ABE
Created: 2022
Nancy Johnson, Osseo ABE Program Manager