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FIT 4 Advanced Manufacturing / Foundational Skills in Manufacturing – Basic Skills Lessons

Career Field: Technical Fields

Adult Career Pathway: Manufacturing

Type: Integrated – part of an Integrated Education & Training (IET) program

Prepares Students for: Success in a manufacturing occupational training course

Target Student Population: High intermediate ABE educational functioning level

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: Provides basic skills instruction in reading, writing, and math to students enrolled in a FIT 4 Advanced Manufacturing training. Six lessons include career exploration; identifying main idea and supporting details; understanding a technical drawing; understanding fractions; understanding decimals in manufacturing; and measurement in manufacturing. (This is part of an “IET”, with a manufacturing training course that provides foundational skills needed for success in an entry level manufacturing position. Additional workshops cover interview skills, application tips, Word and Excel classes. A job fair or facility tour is a culminating event. Participants earn a forklift certification or an OSHA 10 certification.)

Duration: 12 hours for basic skills instruction (combined with 32 hours of occupational training and 30 hours of workforce preparation and soft skills = 74 hours total)

Curriculum Description: A 22-page PDF document includes 6 lesson plans. Plans include objectives and are aligned with CCRS and a “foundational skills” framework. Complete documents and links to resources necessary for teaching the lessons are included, along with instructional guide.

Curriculum Pluses: Clearly organized; complete materials to teach the lessons; aligned to CCRS and transition skills. Includes career information and exploration. Resources come from the manufacturing industry or the manufacturing technical course.

Curriculum Drawbacks: Insufficient time and scaffolding to master targeted basic skills (e.g., 1.5 hours on main idea and details, 3 hours on all 4 operations with fractions). Pennsylvania-specific career exploration lesson will need to be modified for use in Minnesota.

Author: Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, Penn State College of Education

Published: 2017


Ruth Love Schooley
570-601-5936 / ral27@psu.edu