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Integrated Medical Terminology (Moodle)

Career Field: Health

Adult Career Pathway: Healthcare – including Medical Office

Type: Moodle (online curriculum); for use as a Bridge or as a supplement to an Integrated course

Prepares Students for: Success in a college-level integrated medical terminology course

Target Student Population: TABE D Reading 6.0+; strong computer skills

Access Curriculum: This course has been transferred from Learner Web to Literacy Minnesota’s Moodle online training site. Get more information and access the course in the Courses for Adult Learners folder.

Course Description: First unit introduces learners to medical terminology. It explains word parts like suffixes and prefixes, and how to combine them to make common medical words. Second unit covers 12 body systems.

Duration: Approximately 20 hours of self-study

Curriculum Description: Resources for each terminology lesson (“step”) include online and PDF study guides/reference documents, a variety of practice activities and quizzes, culminating in a medical terminology test. Each body system lesson includes an overview, vocabulary list, instructional video and practice activities. A final body system test is also provided. Also includes audio instruction on correct pronunciation of terms and correct word stress.

Curriculum Pluses: Allows for independent study by a learner either in preparation for a medical terminology course or while in a course, to reinforce course content. Resources teach concepts, provide practice and assess learning. Practice activities help learners master material that is above their current reading/language level. A 77-slide medical terminology tutorial is excellent and provides several quizzes. Reference guides and videos are especially useful for learners, and could be used by an instructor in class as well. Builds skills for website navigation and independent online learning.

Curriculum Drawbacks: Course overview and objectives are not provided for the learner. Some reading material is high for the target student population. Does not include career exploration or transition skills (these are likely covered in the face-to-face course).

Author: Saint Paul ABE / Saint Paul College FastTrac partnership

Published: 2011 (note: updated on an ongoing basis)


Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt
Literacy Minnesota
700 Raymond Avenue, Suite 180, St. Paul, MN 55114