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Level 1 Interpreter Training Program

Career Field:  Human Services

Adult Career Pathway:  Interpreter / Translator

Type: On-ramp

Prepares Students for:  Additional training, then entering career field

Target Student Population:  Immigrant/refugee students with at least high school level education and a first language other than English; strong verbal skills and confidence in their language abilities; may have previous interpreting experience

Access Curriculum:  View Materials

Course Description:  Level 1 is an introduction to the terminology used in the Level 2 bridge training called The Community Interpreter (also known in the field as a 40-hour training). Also includes familiarization with technology skills and academic skills that will be used in Level 3 college classes. An additional component is career preparation, including resume development and interview practice.

Duration:  9 sessions, 2.5 hours/session = 22.5 instructional hours

Curriculum Materials:  An outline of activities for each of the nine sessions; list of primary text resources; some teaching/learning materials. (More materials are being developed and will be added to the curriculum folder linked above as they become available.)

Curriculum Pluses:  Includes links and information to relevant resources and background on training.

Curriculum Drawbacks: Curriculum is still in development. Limited materials are available currently, but an outline and some materials are provided as a reference to familiarize others with the scope.

Author:  Lisa Gibson, Karen Organization of Minnesota

Created:  2019-2020


Lisa Gibson, Career Development Counselor
Karen Organization of Minnesota
651-202-3135 / lgibson@mnkaren.org