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Manufacturing Careers Bridge

Career Field:  Manufacturing

Adult Career Pathway:  Mechatronics, Machine Tool Technology, Welding, HVAC/R

Type: Bridge

Prepares Students for: Entry into college level integrated classes to prepare for certificates or degrees in Welding, Machine Tool Technology, HVAC/R, Mechatronics and/or Auto Body & Collision

Target Student Population:  TABE Reading or Math below 12.9; or an Accuplacer score that would place student in Developmental Education level courses

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: Students become familiar with manufacturing career pathways offered through the local community and technical college. They analyze regional labor market data for the manufacturing industry and identify entry-level manufacturing employment options. Basic manufacturing concepts and terminology are covered as students develop their academic and study skills. The course is held on the college campus to allow students to become acclimated to the college environment. The course is closely aligned with the ACES (Academic, Career, & Employability Skills) Transitions Integration Framework (TIF) and addresses skills in all six of the skill areas.

Duration of Course:  9 hours/week, 5 weeks = 45 instructional hours

Curriculum Materials: Includes course syllabus, course scope and sequence document with links to contextualized materials, links to key online resources for the course, and related PowerPoint or Google Slide presentations on various topics.  Also daily Google Slide presentations used as a framework for each day’s materials.

Curriculum Pluses:  Scope and sequence document lays out what to teach each day and includes links to instructional materials.  Helpful student syllabus.

Curriculum Drawbacks:  The initial document of links to two different bridge courses is confusing (choose the Manufacturing Scope and Sequence to find course materials.)

Author:  Ron Fleischmann, Mankato ABE

Created: 2015 (with ongoing revisions)


Ron Fleischmann
(507) 276-6975 / rfleis1@isd77.k12.mn.us