Manufacturing (Moodle)
Career Field: Technical Fields
Adult Career Pathway: Manufacturing
Type: Moodle (online curriculum); for use as a Bridge or as a supplement to an Integrated course
Prepares Students for: Entry into or success in a basic manufacturing course
Target Student Population: TABE D Reading 6.0+
Access Curriculum: This course has been transferred from Learner Web to Literacy Minnesota’s Moodle online training site. Get more information and access the course in the Courses for Adult Learners folder.
Course Description: Covers the past, present, and future of manufacturing careers, including both the scientific and economic aspects. Content includes basic machines, manufacturing power sources and process, safety, geometrical tolerancing, CNC operator, industrial maintenance, welding and employment knowledge/expectations.
Duration: Approximately 15 hours of self-study
Curriculum Description: The Learner Web “Plan” draws from a variety of resources, including YouTube videos and career sites. Quizzes provide short comprehension checks at the end of each unit, with immediate results provided to the learner. The Plan can be used for independent computer-based learning by an individual student. It may also be used by students in a face-to-face Manufacturing course for extra study outside of class. Finally, instructors may find useful resources (esp. videos) in the Plan to use for in-class instruction.
Curriculum Pluses: Allows for independent study by a learner either in preparation for a manufacturing course or while in a course, to reinforce course content. Videos provide clear, useful explanations of manufacturing terms, concepts and processes. Short quiz at end of each unit holds learner accountable for covering the unit content and allows review and re-take on any errors. Builds simple digital literacy skills for on-line learning and navigation. Includes career exploration in the field of manufacturing.
Curriculum Drawbacks: Course objectives are not provided for the learner. Reading level of much of the content (ranges from 8.0 to 13.0+ grade level) is high for TABE 6-level students. No learning activities are provided to interact with the material or master the content; learner simply watches videos or reads articles, then completes a short assessment at end of each unit. Navigation of Learner Web can be difficult for the independent learner until familiar with the platform. Instructor can view what learners are doing and leave comments, but there is no notification system.
Author: Mankato ABE
Published: 2014 (note: updated on an ongoing basis)
Susan Wetenkamp-Brandt
Literacy Minnesota
700 Raymond Avenue, Suite 180, St. Paul, MN 55114