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Medical Office Assistant

Career Field: Health Care

Adult Career Pathway: Medical Office Assistant

Type: Bridge course

Prepares Students for:

  • Success in earning a community college credential and a specially designed certificate locally recognized by employers (in Duluth, MN)
  • Employment as a Medical Office Assistant

Target Student Population: TABE Math and Reading 6.0+; self-starters with positive performance and attendance in prerequisite courses

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description: Prepares students to take a college-level certificate course. Students learn computer literacy skills, medical terms, reading skills for on the job, and career soft skills including communication, conflict resolution, problem solving skills, and reading a pay stub.

Duration: 3 hours/session, 2 sessions/week, 6 weeks = 36 hours; plus separate hours for TABE assessments

Curriculum Description: Includes scope and sequence, course objectives, standards alignment and teacher notes. Daily lesson folders include all worksheets, PowerPoints, vocabulary lists, links to YouTube videos, etc. A vocabulary quiz template/example allows instructor to choose most important/relevant terms to test. Also provided is an attendance tracking sheet and grade tracker. Teachers must have their own Northstar login information.

Curriculum Pluses: Well organized. All instructional materials included. Scope and sequence, plus objectives, provide useful overview and road map.

Curriculum Drawbacks: This bridge course was designed specifically for a locally-created college-level credential delivered by Lake Superior College and recognized by local employers. Materials may need to be modified for a different context.

Author: Linnea Lebens, Duluth Adult Education

Published: 2016


Linnea Lebens
Duluth Adult Education