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Preparatory Math for Health Sciences

Career Field:  Health care

Adult Career Pathway:  Health sciences – variety of career pathway options

Type:  Bridge

Prepares students for:  Success in post-secondary chemistry and laboratory courses

Target Student Population: TABE Levels 4-5 (506-594)

Access Curriculum: View Materials

Course Description:  This course helps prepare students to complete the calculations necessary in chemistry and laboratory courses. Topics include decimal numbers, fractions, ratios, proportions, dilutions, percent/percentage problems, Roman numerals, military time, English/metric conversion, calculating areas and volumes, and solving equations.  Edmentum math lessons are used for student distance learning independent study.  (Learners must pass this course with a minimum of 75% to advance to college level courses.)

Duration:  1 hr./session, 2 sessions/week, 16 weeks; plus minimum of 1 hr./week distance learning = 48 hours total

Curriculum Description: Includes daily lesson plans, plus all instructional materials and answer keys.  Course objectives, standards alignment, and student syllabus also provided.  Student checklist of required Edmentum/Plato math lessons also included.

Curriculum Pluses: Lesson plans guide instruction.  Objectives and standards alignment are a plus.  Well organized, complete instructional materials.

Curriculum Drawbacks: None

Author:  Cindy Roos, Alexandria Area ABE

Published:  2018


Julie Fietek, Manager
Alexandria Area ABE
320-762-3312 x4285 / [email protected]