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Career Field:  Technical

Adult Career Pathway:  Manufacturing

Type:  Integrated / Integrated education and training (IET)

Prepares Students for:  IPC-A-610 certification test and utilizing basic soldering skills

Target Student Population: 7+ GLE in reading and mat; GED or high school diploma strongly recommended for employment in the soldering field

Access Curriculum:  (See note regarding Curriculum Materials below)

Course Description:  ABE instructor co-teaches with a certified IPC trainer to provide support for learners in a technical college soldering class

Duration: 20 class sessions, 4 hours/session = total 80 hours of instruction

Curriculum Materials:  Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan (ISD 196) ABE partners with Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota and Dakota County Technical College (DCTC).  DCTC contracts with Industrial Insite to provide the specific test prep curriculum and the hands-on soldering curriculum.  Industrial Insite purchases and adapts curriculum from IPC.  (Only certified IPC trainers may purchase and use the IPC curriculum and becoming certified requires extensive soldering experience.)  District 196 ABE has created study materials and activities that tie to and support the IPC curriculum, but they are not useful on their own without the IPC curriculum and certified IPC trainer.

Curriculum Pluses:  N/A

Curriculum Drawbacks:  IPC curriculum is only available for purchase and use by certified IPC trainers.  ABE support curriculum not useful apart from that specific curriculum and trainer.

Author:  Mary Grady-Elsenheimer, District 196 ABE

Created:  2019


Mary Grady-Elsenheimer
District 196 ABE
[email protected] – available to talk to any ABE teachers co-teaching and supporting a soldering class