ESL Resources
Multilevel Instruction
Adapting Materials for Multilevel Classes
This article from the Teaching English website offers some ideas of how you can support your students who are struggling more, and offer extension activities for your stronger students, while using the same materials as the starting point for the class.
Breaking News English
This website is a long-time teacher favorite, featuring readings from news stories around the world in seven different levels. Each article is written in three to four different levels and contains printable activities and handouts.
Differentiated Instruction from TEAL
This excerpt from the TEAL Just Write! Guide unpacks differentiated instruction in the ABE classroom and provides examples of how it can be used to support learning, particularly writing instruction. Read to the end to find their Differentiated Instruction Fact Sheet!
Ideas for a Multilevel Class
This article includes recommendations for multilevel teaching strategies and classroom management suggestions distilled from an experienced ESL teacher. The article is part of a National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) digest, and includes links to additional articles on the topic of multilevel instruction.
New American Horizons: Adult ESL Teacher Training Videos – Multilevel
This collection of 12 teacher training videos were filmed in adult ESL classes and feature a variety of teaching strategies and activities. For teachers interested in learning more about multilevel instruction, there are two videos that address this topic.
News in Levels: World News for Students of English
This website has articles collected from around the world available in three different levels. Each level has highlighted vocabulary words and a listening track so that readers can hear a native English speaker reading the article.
Newsela – Multilevel
This website provides several “levels” of the same newspaper articles on a wide variety of topics, along with accompanying online quizzes, that students can read and take.
Promoting Success of Multilevel ESL Classes: What Teachers and Administrators Can Do
This Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) brief is for teachers, teacher trainers, and program administrators who work with adult ESL learners in mulitlevel classroom settings. The brief covers challenges, instructional strategies, and recommendations for administrator support.
Teaching in the Multilevel Classroom
This article examines the variety of learner backgrounds that can contribute to a multilevel class; discusses levels of proficiency; and offers concrete instructional recommendations.
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