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Classroom Practices

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Resources

In the ATLAS Project-Based Learning resource library you can learn more about project-based learning (see the PBL Resources & Workshops section) and see sample projects contributed by local MN ABE practitioners.

Some project examples are extensive, and others are quite concise and can be done in a single lesson. While these are not intended for exact replication, we hope the information, examples, and additional resources give you enough of a start to inspire you to give PBL a try in your own ABE classroom!

Visit the Project-Based Learning resource library

6 ESL Teaching Techniques to Cut TTT and Get Your Students Talking

Learn easy and effective strategies to cut teacher talk time and provide more opportunities for your learners to practice their English in this article by FluentU.

8 Strategies for Building Relationships with ELLs in Any Learning Environment

Learn how educators can build authentic relationships with ELLs in virtual and hybrid settings, as well as how they can connect students' experiences to meaningful instruction. This article was written for a K-12 audience, but ABE teachers will find the recommendations to be helpful and easily implemented with adult learners.

Adapting Materials for Multilevel Classes

This article from the Teaching English website offers some ideas of how you can support your students who are struggling more, and offer extension activities for your stronger students, while using the same materials as the starting point for the class.

Arlington Education and Employment Program

This site has extensive resources for teachers and learners, including a full life skills-based curriculum, interactive story links for beginners, and collections of links on a variety of topics including typing, pronunciation, and citizenship.

Best Practices for Teaching the Whole Adult ESL Learner

This chapter by David Schwarzer describes some research-based best practices for teaching adult ESL students centered around the idea of whole-language principles.

Breaking News English

This website is a long-time teacher favorite, featuring readings from news stories around the world in seven different levels. Each article is written in three to four different levels and contains printable activities and handouts.

CCRS Classroom Videos – ESL

Want to see the CCRS (College & Career Readiness Standards) in action in an ESL classroom, but don’t have time to get out and observe your colleagues? Look no further than these wonderful classroom videos featuring seasoned instructors from Literacy Minnesota as they expertly implement the CCRS in their English language classrooms. The videos are a collaboration between ATLAS and Literacy Minnesota and are found with accompanying materials in our CCR Standards resource library.

Literacy Level ESL – This lesson requires learners to: 1) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text, 2) Ask and answer wh- questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, 3) Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text, 4) Confirm understanding of an oral text by asking and answering questions, and 5) Isolate the initial and final sounds of spoken words.

Low Beginning ESL – This lesson requires learners to: 1) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text, 2) Speak audibly, express thoughts clearly and succinctly, 3) Follow rules for discussions & responding to comments/questions in an exchange, and 4) Understand and use question words.

Beginning ESL – This lesson requires learners to: 1) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text, 2) Describe the connection between individuals, 3) Use illustrations to describe key ideas, 4) Speak audibly, express thoughts clearly and succinctly, 5) Follow rules for discussions & responding to comments/questions in an exchange, and 6) Understand and use question words, possesive pronouns, and the progressive verb tense.

Intermediate/High Intermediate ESL – This lesson requires learners to: 1) Identify and highlight evidence that supports their answers to text-dependent inference questions as evidenced by their responses to the questions and highlighting marks in the text, and 2) Accurately quote or paraphrase specific evidence from the text as evidenced by small group and whole class discussions.

Classroom Management

This article contains suggestions and approaches for dealing with disruptive behaviors by adult students. It is aimed at adults who are attending university classes for the first time, but pertains to all adult learners in a variety of classroom settings.

Content-Based Language Teaching with Technology

The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition provides professional development and online resources that help foreign language and immersion teachers create content-based lessons/units using technology to enhance students' language proficiency and content or cultural knowledge. Includes instructional modules for teacher professional development and lesson plans and modules that can be used in classes.

Differentiated Instruction from TEAL

This excerpt from the TEAL Just Write! Guide unpacks differentiated instruction in the ABE classroom and provides examples of how it can be used to support learning, particularly writing instruction. Read to the end to find their Differentiated Instruction Fact Sheet!

This website contains free downloadable handouts on a wide variety of ESL topics, including Business English, English for Tourism, and jobs and careers.

Evidence-Based, Student-Centered Instructional Practices

Four research-backed recommendations for student-centered language instruction that teachers can implement in their adult ESL classes, as well as concrete activities and practices to support each recommendation.

Ideas for a Multilevel Class

This article includes recommendations for multilevel teaching strategies and classroom management suggestions distilled from an experienced ESL teacher. The article is part of a National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) digest, and includes links to additional articles on the topic of multilevel instruction.

LINCS ESL Pro Module 3: Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways

This self-paced professional development module from LINCS provides the foundational concepts related to designing and implementing an adult ELA program contextualized for career pathways.

Making Student-Centered Teaching Work

This article from the MEXTESOL Journal makes a strong argument for student-centered teaching practices, and outlines ten suggestions that teachers can follow to make their lessons more student-centered.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. The National Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Center supports the effective implementation of UDL by connecting stakeholders in the field and providing resources and information.

New American Horizons: Adult ESL Teacher Training Videos – Multilevel

This collection of 12 teacher training videos were filmed in adult ESL classes and feature a variety of teaching strategies and activities. For teachers interested in learning more about multilevel instruction, there are two videos that address this topic.

News in Levels: World News for Students of English

This website has articles collected from around the world available in three different levels. Each level has highlighted vocabulary words and a listening track so that readers can hear a native English speaker reading the article.

Newsela – Multilevel

This website provides several “levels” of the same newspaper articles on a wide variety of topics, along with accompanying online quizzes, that students can read and take.

Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways

This suite of resources, which includes an issue brief, an interactive, self-paced, online module, and a practice-oriented companion resource, offers tools, practical ideas, and hands-on strategies for educators who help adult ELLs in preparing for work or training in career pathways.

Promoting Success of Multilevel ESL Classes: What Teachers and Administrators Can Do

This Center for Adult English Language Acquisition (CAELA) brief is for teachers, teacher trainers, and program administrators who work with adult ESL learners in mulitlevel classroom settings. The brief covers challenges, instructional strategies, and recommendations for administrator support.

Reading Skills for Healthcare Workers – ESL

A free online Career Pathway literacy curriculum based on CNA and general healthcare content, including 175 selections for intermediate-level readers between 5.5 and 8.5 grade levels.

Teaching in the Multilevel Classroom

This article examines the variety of learner backgrounds that can contribute to a multilevel class; discusses levels of proficiency; and offers concrete instructional recommendations.

Teaching Language Through Content: CAL Resource Guides Online

This Resource Guide provides links to publications, websites, teaching resources, and email discussion groups that offer information about teaching language through content-based instruction in K–12 and adult ESL programs and in foreign language programs.

The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners

TESOL International Association has defined a core set of principles for the exemplary teaching of English learners. The 6 Principles are universal guidelines drawn from decades of research in language pedagogy and language acquisition theory and are applicable across different educational contexts.

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