Adult Career Pathways Resources

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IET Webinars – MN Adult Education

This playlist on the MN Adult Education YouTube channel houses a variety of webinars related to Integrated Education & Training (IET).

Developing Basic Skills Curriculum for an IET: A Guide for the Pathways to Employment Program

This guide provides resources and tools that will help practitioners plan, design, and implement the basic skills component of an IET (Integrated Education and Training) curriculum. Informed by ISAL’s curriculum design for a variety of career pathways.

From I-BEST to Early I-BEST: Designing IETs That Start Students on Career Pathways at Earlier Levels – Webinar

This webinar gives four examples of career pathway courses designed for intermediate-level students utilizing flexible, innovative integrated education and training (IET) models. The presenters from the Pima College system in Arizona also discuss working collaboratively with partners to identify and implement IETs that meet local employer and students’ needs, while questioning and going beyond assumed limitations of the adult education program to deliver in new ways.

IET for English Learners Desk Aids

A set of three IET for English Learners Desk Aids and companion QuickStart Guide was developed in 2023 by the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). These resources are five to six pages…

IET Resource Repository

This repository, housed on the LINCS website and developed as part of the ADVANCE IET initiative, offers resources around all aspects of integrated education and training (IET) design and delivery. Resources are geared toward everyone from those creating their first IET program to those with extensive IET experience.

IET-Related Professional Development Video Resources

Nine videos that provide useful guidance in the design and delivery of integrated education and training from the California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO).

Integrated Education & Training (IET): Building Career Pathways for Participants at Every Skill Level

This guidance document provides a clear definition of IET in graphic form, its three main components, how those components are aligned with standards, and approaches to IET funding and promotion.  Seven diverse examples are clearly laid out, followed by a template that can be used by your own program to delineate all aspects of your IET. 

Integrated Education & Training Design Toolkit

The Integrated Education and Training (IET) Toolkit was developed to assist state and local adult education staff to plan, design, implement, and evaluate effective IET programs that are responsive to state and local labor market demands and fulfill the requirements of WIOA. The IET Design Toolkit guides users through a team-based approach to developing customized IET solutions that address the needs of adult learners and local businesses through four iterative phases: Research and Assess, Design and Plan, Develop and Implement, and Evaluate and Improve.

Integrated Education & Training: A Career Pathways Policy & Practice

Summarizes data from a national survey of adult education providers conducted to learn more about IET models, funding mechanisms, and partnerships across the country. Considers implications for the field of Adult Basic Education.

Integrated Education & Training: A Service Model for Adult Education Across the Spectrum

This one-hour archived webinar reviews the IET definition and guidance in WIOA regulations. It goes on to explore a few of the many adult education programs that have discovered the power of IET and, through a variety of partnerships, have implemented the IET strategy to serve people across the educational functioning level spectrum.

Integrated Education & Training: Implementing Programs in Diverse Contexts

Profiles eight adult education programs around the country and their unique, context-specific approaches to integrating education and training.

Integrated Education & Training: Planning from A to Z

Slides provide a brief overview of the planning and implementation process for an IET; strategies for building partnerships to successfully deliver an IET; and several helpful tools for developing IET components. The resource list includes useful materials on the WIOA definition of IET; contextualized education; career pathways; IET general information; and example IET programs from eight states.

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Report

This report includes available data from the first two IELCE program years (2016–17 and 2017–18) through the National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS), and sets forth activities of IELCE programs related to funding, enrollment, program design and promising practices. (5 pages)

Workforce Brief: IET (Integrated Education & Training)

This is one of three innovative programming briefs created in collaboration with the Minnesota Association of Workforce Boards (MAWB), covering important workforce-oriented topics that are viewed as best practices for adult learners. The IET brief includes a summary of what the practice includes, outlines their impact and benefit for adult learners, and spotlights a successful ABE program in the state leading these efforts.

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